
 Annual PhD course in Energy System Analysis on the EnergyPLAN model – April 2018

In April 2018, we have the annual EnergyPLAN PhD course at Aalborg University, Denmark. The course gives an introduction to advanced energy system analysis using the EnergyPLAN computer model and after the course the participants are expected to be able to understand methodologies of advanced energy system analysis and to be able to use EnergyPLAN as a tool in making energy system analyses.

The course fee is 100 euro for PhD fellows and will take place on 9-11 April and 24-26 April 2017. Registration is open now. If you are not a PhD fellow, you still have the option of participating. Please concat Marianne Nyborg in this case aswell.

Please register by sending an email to: Marianne Nyborg ( Deadline for registration is 19 March.

The course is conducted as a combination of lectures and computer workshops of a total of 4 days (32 hours) and assignments of a total of 6-7 days (52 hours) and has a workload of 3 ECTS. See invitation and programme for the EnergyPLAN course 2018.

Questions can be sent to Henrik Lund (


Online Workshop

We currently do not have any dates set for the next EnergyPLAN workshop.

You can join the workshop by clicking this link: This will be an open workshop where you can ask questions about EnergyPLAN. You will be redirected to a screen sharing service where you should be able to see a live version of the EnergyPLAN tool. This will be used to explain the answers to your questions.

You must register in advance to join the workshop. The main contact for this workshop is David Connolly (

Also, if you have a question that you would like addressed during the workshop, please send it in advance. It will also be possible to send questions during the workshop using the chat function on the online system. However, we would prefer to receive the questions in advance so we can prepare a final schedule for the participants.

Previous Workshops

More Training Videos are also available here.