Category Archives: Denmark

The role of Solar thermal in Future Energy Systems

  The report “The role of Solar thermal in Future Energy Systems – Country cases for Germany, Italy, Austria and Denmark” deals with solar thermal technologies and investigates possible roles for solar thermal in future energy systems for four national … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Austria, Denmark, Different Technologies, Germany, Italy, Solar Energy, Solar Thermal | Leave a comment

The role of Photovoltaics towards 100% Renewable Energy Systems

                                          The report “The role of Photovoltaics towards 100% Renewable energy systems – Based on international market developments and Danish analysis” focuses … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Photovoltaic, Solar Energy | Leave a comment

Danish Energy Agency: Energy Stategy 2050 – 100% renewable energy scenarios

In March 2014 the Danish Energy Agency published scenarios for a vision to become fossil free in 2050: “Energiscenarier frem mod 2020, 2035 og 2050” (Danish report) “Energy scenarios for 2020, 2035 and 2050” (English report) These are the first … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Future Green Buildings

The report “Future Green Buildings – A key to Cost-Effective Sustainable Energy Systems” describes the contribution and role of the building sector in a 100% renewable energy future, as well as the transitions that are necessary in the building sector to support this change. You … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Denmark, District Heating, Heat Pumps | 1 Comment

Copenhagen Energy Vision: A sustainable vision for bringing a Capital to 100% renewable energy

The short-term goal for The City of Copenhagen is a CO2 neutral energy supply by the year 2025, and the long-term vision for Denmark is a 100% renewable energy (RE) supply by the year 2050. In this project, it is … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, District Heating, Electric Grid, Electric Vehicles | 1 Comment

Samsø Energy Vision 2030 – Converting Samsø to 100% Renewable Energy

The purpose of this report is to investigate potential scenarios for converting Samsø into 100% renewable energy supply in 2030 with focus on local electricity and biomass resources. Firstly, a 2013 reference scenario is established to investigate whether Samsø is … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, District Heating, Electric Grid, Electric Vehicles, Heat Pumps | Leave a comment

IDA’s Energy Vision 2050: A Smart Energy System strategy for 100% renewable Denmark

IDA’s Energy Vision 2050 provides a Smart Energy System strategy for a 100% renewable Denmark in 2050. The vision presented should not be regarded as the only option in 2050 but as one scenario out of several possibilities. You can … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Denmark, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, Synthetic Fuel, Wind Power | 2 Comments

100% Renewable Energy Systems in the Scandinavian Region

Denmark has set an ambitious goal to become 100% renewable by 2050, and this study aims to investigate further how Denmark could achieve this goal. Specifically the study aims to help understand the implications for Denmark when it is interconnected … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Norway, Sweden | Leave a comment

A 100% Renewable Energy Strategy for Aalborg

Link to summary (In Danish) Link to report (In Danish) Link to the Journal Paper focusing on Heat Aalborg Municipality, Denmark, wishes to investigate the possibilities of becoming independent of fossil fuels. This article describes a scenario for supplying Aalborg … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Local Energy Plan, Location | Leave a comment

Modelling of energy systems with a high percentage of CHP and wind power (2003)

Link to the Journal Paper This paper presents the energy system analysis model EnergyPLAN, which has been used to analyse the integration of large scale wind power into the national Danish electricity system. The main purpose of the EnergyPLAN model … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment