Category Archives: Wind Power

Vision and initial feasibility analysis of a recarbonised Finnish energy system for 2050

Download the models Link to supplementary materials An energy system based entirely on renewable energy (RE) is possible for Finland in 2050 based on the assumptions in this study. High shares of solar PV (photovoltaics) were deemed to be feasible … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Finland, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Uncategorized, Wind Power | 1 Comment

IDA’s Energy Vision 2050: A Smart Energy System strategy for 100% renewable Denmark

IDA’s Energy Vision 2050 provides a Smart Energy System strategy for a 100% renewable Denmark in 2050. The vision presented should not be regarded as the only option in 2050 but as one scenario out of several possibilities. You can … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Denmark, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, Synthetic Fuel, Wind Power | 2 Comments

Smart Energy Europe: A 100% Renewable Energy Scenario for the EU28

Here is a link to the final publications: Final Report Journal Paper Conference Paper You can also download the EnergyPLAN models here. Summary This study presents one scenario for a 100% renewable energy system in Europe by the year 2050. … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, European Union, Heat Pumps, Photovoltaic, Synthetic Fuel, Wind Power | Comments Off on Smart Energy Europe: A 100% Renewable Energy Scenario for the EU28

Modelling of energy systems with a high percentage of CHP and wind power (2003)

Link to the Journal Paper This paper presents the energy system analysis model EnergyPLAN, which has been used to analyse the integration of large scale wind power into the national Danish electricity system. The main purpose of the EnergyPLAN model … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Management of surplus electricity-production from a fluctuating renewable-energy source (2003)

Link to the Journal Paper Renewable-energy sources and energy efficiency are important elements in Danish Energy Policy. The implementation of wind power and combined heat- and power production (CHP) have already led to substantial fuel savings, and both technologies are … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, District Heating, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Integration of renewable energy into the transport and electricity sectors through V2G (2008)

Link to the Journal Paper Large-scale sustainable energy systems will be necessary for substantial reduction of CO2. However, large-scale implementation faces two major problems: (1) we must replace oil in the transportation sector, and (2) since today’s inexpensive and abundant … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Electric Vehicles, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Large-scale integration of wind power into different energy systems (2005)

The paper presents the ability of different energy systems and regulation strategies to integrate wind power. The ability is expressed by the following three factors: the degree of electricity excess production caused by fluctuations in wind and Combined Heat and … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, Heat Pumps, Hydrogen, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Large-scale integration of optimal combinations of PV, wind and wave power into the electricity supply (2006)

This article presents the results of analyses of large-scale integration of wind power, photo voltaic (PV) and wave power into a Danish reference energy system. The possibility of integrating Renewable Energy Sources (RES) into the electricity supply is expressed in … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location, Photovoltaic, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wave or Tidal Power, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Electric grid stability and the design of sustainable energy systems (2005)

Link to the Journal Paper Today, in most countries, electricity is produced either on hydropower or on large steam turbines on the basis of fossil fuels or nuclear power. Electricity from distributed generation constitutes only small amounts. Until now, the … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Electric Grid, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Excess electricity diagrams and the integration of renewable energy (2003)

This article presents a methodology of showing the rate of integration of specific renewable energy sources (RESs) into the electricity supply system. The methodology is used on large-scale integration of wind, photo voltaic and wave power into a future Danish reference … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location, Photovoltaic, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wave or Tidal Power, Wind Power | Leave a comment