Author Archives: Joana Neves

Renewable Heating Strategies and their Consequences for Storage and Grid Infrastructures

Comparing a Smart Grid to a Smart Energy Systems Approach (Paper under revision) By Henrik Lund Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Rendsburggade 14, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark   HIGHLIGHTS: Compare different strategies to transform the heating sector to 100% renewables. Compare … Continue reading

Posted in Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN | 1 Comment

The role of Solar thermal in Future Energy Systems

  The report “The role of Solar thermal in Future Energy Systems – Country cases for Germany, Italy, Austria and Denmark” deals with solar thermal technologies and investigates possible roles for solar thermal in future energy systems for four national … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Austria, Denmark, Different Technologies, Germany, Italy, Solar Energy, Solar Thermal | Leave a comment

The role of Photovoltaics towards 100% Renewable Energy Systems

                                          The report “The role of Photovoltaics towards 100% Renewable energy systems – Based on international market developments and Danish analysis” focuses … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Photovoltaic, Solar Energy | Leave a comment