Author Archives: EnergyPLAN Support

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Danish Energy Agency: Energy Stategy 2050 – 100% renewable energy scenarios

In March 2014 the Danish Energy Agency published scenarios for a vision to become fossil free in 2050: “Energiscenarier frem mod 2020, 2035 og 2050” (Danish report) “Energy scenarios for 2020, 2035 and 2050” (English report) These are the first … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

IDA’s Energy Vision 2050: A Smart Energy System strategy for 100% renewable Denmark

IDA’s Energy Vision 2050 provides a Smart Energy System strategy for a 100% renewable Denmark in 2050. The vision presented should not be regarded as the only option in 2050 but as one scenario out of several possibilities. You can … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Denmark, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, Synthetic Fuel, Wind Power | 2 Comments

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050

Heat Roadmap Europe 3 (STRATEGO): Translating the Heat Roadmap Europe Methodology to Member State Level Link to the Reports and Maps Heat Roadmap Europe 3 is from work package 2 of the STRATEGO project ( It quantifies the impact of implementing … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, CHP and Thermal Storage, Cooling, Croatia, Czech Republic, Different Technologies, District Heating, European Union, Heat Pumps, Italy, Location, Romania, United Kingdom | Leave a comment

Smart Energy Europe: A 100% Renewable Energy Scenario for the EU28

Here is a link to the final publications: Final Report Journal Paper Conference Paper You can also download the EnergyPLAN models here. Summary This study presents one scenario for a 100% renewable energy system in Europe by the year 2050. … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, European Union, Heat Pumps, Photovoltaic, Synthetic Fuel, Wind Power | Comments Off on Smart Energy Europe: A 100% Renewable Energy Scenario for the EU28

Natural Ventilation in the Residential Sector in Mexico

Warm conditions countries such as Mexico need to drive strategies oriented to the cooling of their buildings in order to ensure proper indoor thermal environments towards the occupants. Otherwise, health issues and other hazards could rise up. When these strategies … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Cooling, Different Technologies, Location, Mexico | Comments Off on Natural Ventilation in the Residential Sector in Mexico

An energy system model for Hong Kong in 2020

Climate change and energy security are forcing Hong Kong to shift from a fossil fuel-based to a clean and low-carbon energy structure. In this article, a simulation model for Hong Kong’s energy system is developed using EnergyPLAN model, to examine … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Hong Kong | Leave a comment

Renewable energy scenarios in the Portuguese electricity system

Link to the Conference Paper Portugal has been demonstrating over the years a high dependence of imported fossil fuels, especially with regard to the energy sector. This situation led to the increasing development of renewable energy projects, framed by an … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Different Technologies, Location, Portugal, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN | Leave a comment

A 100% renewable energy system in the year 2050: The case of Macedonia

Link to the Journal Paper The most important problems the energy sector faces in Macedonia are an unfavourable energy mix with a high prevalence of lignite, a strong dependence on energy import, poor condition of the energy system and inefficiency … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Different Technologies, Location, Macedonia, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN | Leave a comment

Energy Self-Sufficient Neighborhoods in the Netherlands

Link to the Final Report A societal scale shift towards a renewable energy production system is necessary in order to reduce dependency on limited natural resources and address climate change. While countless social, political, and economic barriers limit the development … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Different Technologies, Local Energy Plan, Location, The Netherlands | Leave a comment

Analysis of Long-Term Plan for Energy Supply System for Latvia that is 100% Based on the Use of Local Energy Resources

Link to the Journal Paper The prices of fossil energy resources are expected to rise substantially in the future, therefore fossil energy resources might not be a feasible energy source for Latvia in the long term. The establishment of a … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Different Technologies, Latvia, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN | 1 Comment